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WOW, so flexible: from laptop to tablet and back again in no time

WOW, so flexible: from laptop to tablet and back again in no time

Your life is colorful, moving and everywhere. You need a laptop that follows you, supports you in everything you do, and doesn't sit like a brick in your bag. But your laptop is too slow to be worth unpacking, too inflexible for you to use at home, at university and on the go? Well then imagine what your day could look like with the HP Envy...

This is how the HP Envy becomes an asset in your everyday life

You wake up in the morning and can do the first things on your tablet, which is next to your bed. It's light, narrow and slim, so you can still cuddle with your girlfriend at the same time without the keyboard pressing into your stomach.

Then you make coffee and look again at your presentation that you have to give in the next seminar. So that you don't have to carry the tablet around all the time, you simply attach the HP Envy to the keyboard and you have a fully-fledged laptop in front of you. Reading, drinking coffee and getting dressed at the same time is no problem at all.

The little hand jumps to nine and you make your way to the university. So that your bag doesn't get too heavy and you don't have to go without your HP Envy on the go, you grab your tablet, leave the keyboard behind and you're on the road.

During the break, you can entertain yourself with funny videos or pictures from the Internet. After college you work through today's material again and watch a great film with your girlfriend. Of course, the PC has to be there and you don't want to hold the tablet in your hand. So put the tablet on the keyboard and your private cinema screen is ready.

After the film, you go to bed and you can check your timetable again with the handy tablet. Lights out and goodnight.

Doesn’t that sound good – your laptop or tablet as a loyal companion? This can come true with the HP Envy, the super flexible PC that is both a laptop and a tablet.

Get a student discount on the HP Envy here

Photo credit: HP

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