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Science coaching for your doctoral thesis: What should you pay attention to?

Science coaching for your doctoral thesis: What should you pay attention to?

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Frustration with the poor supervision of doctoral theses is widespread, academic coaching is an alternative. But how to find a good coach or editor?

What can good science coaching achieve?

Writing a dissertation is a complex process, “that’s why science coaching has to be seen as an all-round package,” notes Ms. Mester from her many years of experience at Unicoaching-Berlin.

Scientific coaching does not accompany the doctoral thesis, but rather the person

A science coach is not only an expert advisor and sparring partner, but also teaches working techniques, is a time manager and must sometimes be able to tackle conflicts with professors. If your motivation drops, a coach should identify the causes: Has the question changed in the course of an empirical study? Are there conflicting goals, for example between your private life and your dissertation? Or is there simply not enough time for the dissertation?

Academic proofreading helps to speed up the writing process

The work on the text should be designed as accompanying author support. Academic editing is also a type of coaching because it brings doctoral students into a fluent writing process with the help of clear feedback.

You should pay attention to this

Professional competence is an essential requirement. In any case, the chemistry has to be right, because the dissertation is more than just a paper. “Insist on a personal consultation with your potential coach,” advises Ms. Mester. Describe your needs and ask for specific suggestions for support. Do not book fixed hourly quotas so that you can interrupt or end the coaching at any time.

about the author

Andrea Mester has been successfully accompanying theses, dissertations and scientific publications as a science coach and science editor for over 10 years. She is a sociologist and social economist and has qualified through her own research in the field of qualitative research methods and social anthropology as well as cultural studies.

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