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Do you already know or are you still looking?

Do you already know or are you still looking?

Knowledge is power and PaperC shows you how you can get your next reading unhindered and with little effort. Regardless of whether it's a presentation, exam or term paper, the hours of searching for the right reading material are now over, because PaperC offers you a gigantic online pool of over 120,000 specialist books from which you can find exactly the right work with just a few clicks.

There's just the right thing for every subject - whether it's humanities, social sciences, economics or natural sciences, you can use the search function to find the book you want in a flash. Or do you want to know which works have been published by a particular publisher? Then use the search to display all works from a publisher.

Don't you want to buy the book right away?

No thing! Then read it first! At PaperC you can read up to 10% of the work free of charge and without obligation. If you don't want to buy the book, you can simply rent it for 1, 3 or 6 months and save up to 90% of the purchase price.

What's special?

PaperC is not just an e-book shop, it is a sophisticated knowledge platform that makes your academic work easier. No long searches in the library, tools for text work such as markings, automated quotations, notes and bookmarks make working with complex, scientific texts much easier.

In addition to specialist texts, you will also find current works from society, culture and politics and there are even some free books to pick up.

Not only on your PC at home, but also on your tablet or smartphone, you can access your literature online at any time and work whenever and wherever you like.

And how does it work?

Very easy! Go to , look for the right work, read it straight away and if you like it, simply register and then rent or buy it. allmaxx users also get a €5 voucher for PaperC.

Well then! Have fun reading!

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