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Why yoga makes life easier

Why yoga makes life easier

allmaxx editor Vera is writing today about her experiences with yoga. Vera has been completing a master's degree in human resources management since last week and also works as a yoga teacher. She is currently thinking about further training alongside her studies, including in the areas of nutritional advice and meditation. She loves traveling, walking and spending time with family and friends.

When my then-university friend took me to a yoga class for the first time six years ago, I was not aware of how yoga would change my life over the years - especially my attitude towards it. But why is it that the whole world seems to be obsessed with yoga hype? Esoteric versus gym class. I'll tell you what positive things yoga has brought into my life and why trying yoga at a young age has enormous potential.

Why Yoga is Smarter Fitness

There are many styles of yoga. From classic Hatha Yoga, to Jivamukti, Kundalini and Acroyoga. What they all have in common is that they are based on the principle of tension and relaxation. A posture (called “asana” in yoga) is usually held for a short or long period of time in order to then relax the muscles again. This is particularly popular in static Hatha Yoga: posture – relaxation phase. Next posture – next relaxation phase.

This may sound exaggerated, but ultimately it means that the body reacts with less muscle soreness because the lactic acid responsible for this can be broken down better by the body during the relaxation phases. For me, the advantage became clear pretty quickly: after each class I felt full, but not completely exhausted, on the contrary: I had more energy than before the class. In comparison: After an hour of “body shaping” all I wanted to do was eat as much as possible and sleep. In the long term, conventional fitness courses tended to lead to frustration and cravings for me.

Yoga helps you make better decisions

Yoga is a thousand-year-old exercise system for the body and mind. The mind, or if you like the psyche, is an important part of this exercise system. To be very precise: Back then, people actually only practiced yoga in order to be able to meditate, i.e. sit, for longer. Hours of meditation practice require a strong back, so yoga practice was on the agenda. Even today, meditation and yoga are strongly linked.

Many yoga teachers integrate a meditative element into their yoga class, so that you not only do something for your body, but also learn to switch off thoughts and/or direct them into positive channels. For me, this has led me to react more calmly in stressful situations and make decisions with a clearer head.

Yoga + university =

Studying can be stressful, so it can help to know a remedy that will bring you down again. Especially in stressful times when you feel like you don't have any time, it's good to roll out your mat and practice yoga. Because your thoughts often wander and you don't know where to start because of all the tasks.

After a yoga class, not only does the body feel more flexible and better, but the mind is also clearer and can absorb new information better. For me, the ideal mix is ​​yoga and meditation, and it doesn't have to take long. 10 minutes of meditation a day is enough to go through life more relaxed and receptive.

In this sense: Om Shanti ;-)

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