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University as a dating site

University as a dating site

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The last days of winter are almost numbered; Gradually the daily portion of solar power increases and inevitably so does the desire for pleasure! For singles it means: you can stay single; But it doesn't have to be lonely!

What to do with all the spring fever?

The motto: “The woman/man is themselves” can certainly be intended for a purpose, but it may be less intended for a purpose.
Countless online dating sites are courting curious and eager students, regardless of their field of study - because desire is everywhere. But if we take a look at our own faculty, we quickly notice that the largest dating site is right in front of our feet : our own university. Nowhere else do countless singles cavort before your eyes every day.

Flirts – the university is full of possibilities!

Thousands of students are on the move at universities every day - whether in lectures, in the library or in the cafeteria - an Eldorado for flirtatious and hot-blooded people. The only question that remains open is: “What should be done?” If we take a first look to the left or right when we visit the cafeteria, the feast for the eyes can certainly sweeten the oral taste experience: after all, the eyes also eat with them. And what's wrong with giving your head a quick break during the lecture and checking out your surroundings? Because even in warm temperatures it counts again: less is more, and therefore: less clothing = more skin.

So: dare! What is supposed to happen?

A basket is just a basket - after all, you don't like everyone who hits on you. And once you've landed a direct hit, then the joy can begin. University, park and co. offer interesting and varied playgrounds. Just be careful with hasty actions. Even if lust goes to your head, public display is still causing public offense. ;)

And very important: Even if your hormones go crazy, health always comes first, so throw it on and enjoy yourself.

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