Take A Walk In The Park Day
Take A Walk In The Park Day

Image source: Spring in the Park by Alex E. Proimos@flickr
There's everything now: cauliflower day, beer day, blowjob day. So why not have a “Take A Walk In the Park Day”? Cities with lots of parks are considered beautiful and when the weather is good, they are full of life. What used to be more for older people, “Come on, Friedbert-Waldemar, let’s go for a walk in the park,” now also attracts the younger generation : “Come on, dude, let’s chill out in the park.”
What can you do in the park?
You can do anything in parks: sports, games, barbecuing, collecting leaves, walking your dog, watching/killing insects. And that's just a small selection. We have started a representative survey in our allmaxx office just in time for “Take A Walk In the Park Day” and are presenting our team’s 5 favorite activities to you.
1. Chilling with friends
Equipped with beer, bong etc., that was the top answer.
2. Play soccer
... and take the game so seriously that it consists more of fouls and shouting than sophisticated plays. The child in the man!
3. Fly a kite
After all, the youngsters want to get their money’s worth!
4. Produce offspring
So that at some point you can fly kites.
5. Learning
At least the first 5 minutes. Afterwards you can use the learning materials you brought with you as a headrest or seat pad.
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