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Furnish your student home comfortably

Furnish your student home comfortably

Living©flickr/Christoph Wagener

Your own home is a retreat and relaxation area for well-deserved rest after a long day at work. However, the well-deserved relaxation effect cannot be achieved as desired if the apartment is not well-maintained and comfortably furnished.

The basics of comfortable living

Cozy and comfortable living first requires that the apartment is attractively clean. Of course, it doesn't have to be clinically pure . However, regular basic cleaning should take place, as this is the basis for the rest. The “rest” consists of a tasteful combination of furniture, wallpaper, carpets and other decorative items. The basis of comfortable living and furnishing is that things fit together visually and therefore harmonize with each other. If you want to furnish your home from scratch, you should first decide on a basic color that should at least be kept consistent within the individual rooms. The color of the walls, the carpets and, to some extent, the color of the furniture is based on this basic color. Things are different with decorative items. For them, the color is only secondary. What is much more important here is personal taste and any personal memories associated with the decorative item.

Decorating your own home

Furniture alone is only partially enough if you want to furnish your home comfortably. Only with the right decorative items can a comfortable feeling be created. There are a variety of different options that you can choose from as you wish. Canvas pictures, for example, are particularly popular as decoration. These have the particular advantage that they can be designed very flexibly and thus express the personal taste and individuality of their owner. The motifs of the images are almost unlimited and the size of the images is also very variable. That's why canvas pictures are suitable for both very small rooms and very large rooms for which otherwise hardly any room decoration can be found. Exactly which size and motif it should be depends solely on personal taste.


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