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Exam phase: 10 tips against procrastination

Exam phase: 10 tips against procrastination

The exam phase: Successful preparation is half the battle

The New Year's hangover is freshly cured and life could be so beautiful again - if it weren't for the upcoming exam phase ! But as they say in Northern Germany: Wat mutt, dat mutt! Our tip for a successful exam: Discipline! There are of course a few helpful tricks to ensure you don't end up leaving the exam hall like a wet noodle. However, we save ourselves the nonsense about “start on time”, “learning plan”, “learning type” etc., but rather approach the matter realistically.

Here are our learning tips:

1. First and foremost, be honest with yourself: Don't tell yourself that this time everything will be different and that you'll start on time - it won't work anyway. Accept that you are basically procrastinating learning to the extreme, thereby taking the pressure off yourself and protecting yourself from possible disappointment.

2. Rome wasn't built in a day either. So prepare your learning materials in a visible place on the first day and then do something fun with your friends afterwards. This is how you kill two birds with one stone: you had a nice day, but the university was also briefly considered. The next day you sit meditatively over your study things, but then do something with friends again. By the third day at the latest, your guilty conscience should be so great that you finally bring yourself to finally start. The golden rule: Don't overdo it at the beginning! Continuously increase the learning time and start with a small unit of 60 minutes.

3. Integrate exam preparation into your evening activities. Convert drinking games in the shared kitchen into learning games. Of course, alcohol can also be consumed in moderation - this makes cramming a lot more fun. However, film tears should be avoided!

4. Show procrastination the middle finger! You suddenly notice that the bathroom needs to be cleaned again? Turn the tables and get the bathroom really dirty. Not only is it much quicker, but afterwards you also have an easier choice: study or clean a really dirty bathroom?!

5. During the learning phase, you should let the devil in you run wild: Uninhibitedly take out your frustration on your friends. This is not only fun, but it also means that you have peace and quiet from distracting calls, SMS, What's App or Facebook messages and can concentrate on preparing for the exam without being disturbed. Instead, use your smartphone for learning apps . However, after the examination phase, reconciliation or a little clarification is recommended.

6. At lunchtime, turn on one of the private TV channels and ask yourself whether you want to end up like that. Instinctively you will move towards the desk.

7. Outsmart yourself with educational measures - albeit conservative ones. Reward? No! Punishment is the order of the day. For each failure to achieve the learning milestone goal, you will receive a severe punishment. Everything is conceivable, from cutting up your beloved cuddly toy to breaking up with your boyfriend/girlfriend. As grandma always said: If you don't want to hear, you have to feel!

8. Be a big dick! Tell your fellow students that you have already mastered the material very well and have already crammed everything two weeks before the exam. So you're forced to finally get started and work hard so that you don't end up looking stupid and losing face.

9. Enable online parental controls for sites that may prevent you from learning.

10. And the ultimate tip at the end: Instead of Googling learning tips and reading various articles (like this one), just use the time more wisely and FINALLY START!

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