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Print portfolios for a design course

Print portfolios for a design course

Image source: fotoshot

Semester after semester, thousands of young people try to get a place to study design. In Germany, design courses are among the most popular courses. There are often over 600 applications for every 30 study places. Graphics, communication, photography, interface, textile, industrial or fashion design are offered as independent courses at various universities across Germany - whether state or private.

The demand for a place on one of the design courses is very high. Every applicant must distinguish themselves . What counts first and foremost is not the average grade from high school or from the previous bachelor's degree, but rather the applicant's artistic and creative talent.

Collect ideas for the folder

The first step when applying for any design course is the portfolio. It is not important to present your individual works as something perfect. Rather, you should show that you are able to deal intensively with a topic and get the most out of your creativity . You should acquire the ability to fine-tune during your studies. Nevertheless, your portfolio should stand out among all applicants.

What exactly is expected varies at every university. The work must of course fit the course of study: communication design requires different portfolio content than industrial design. If you are not sure whether your portfolio meets the requirements, you can get portfolio advice at most universities . You can get information directly from the university. A little tip: If you want to get a coveted look at a successful application portfolio from a student who was accepted in previous semesters, you can inquire directly with the students. The students are often helpful and happy to advise you. Here you will find a digital collection of students who publish their portfolio contents online.

Get the most out of the portfolio

When the prospective students have given free rein to their creativity and now have an initial idea of ​​which drawings, collages or photographs would suit the application, the portfolio is created. MappenGuide tells you what can go into a possible portfolio and gives you further tips and tricks for a diverse presentation of your talent! What is relevant is not only what content is in the folder, but also how the folder itself is designed. Here, candidates for a design degree make use of advertising materials. For example, the folder can be created and printed as a brochure. In general, an original look and a presentation that arouses interest is crucial.

However, the question of costs always arises: Where can I print with the highest possible quality but cost-effectively? All kinds of materials can be printed at . Whether flyers, posters, brochures as perfect binding, loop binding, staple binding or entire presentation folders - here you can get high-quality printed products in brand quality. A fast and binding delivery time is guaranteed so that you manage to submit your portfolio to the university by the deadline. Printing is environmentally conscious and shipping is free. So, get to work and good luck!

Do you want to study a course in the field of design? A folder is required for the application! We'll tell you how to create them in a high-quality but still affordable way!

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