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Health insurance for students – when is it worth it?

Health insurance for students – when is it worth it?

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For many people, the beginning of October also marks the official start of the winter semester. Regardless of whether you are a new student or an “old university hand” – a few basics about the current status of “student health insurance” can save euros and secure many advantages. There are also differences when it comes to health insurance for students .

Your studies are about to begin – what will change?

In principle, if you enroll at a state or state-recognized university, you will be required to have health insurance (unless you are studying part-time!). In short: you need proof of health insurance when you enroll. You can find out which health insurance for students and type of insurance is suitable for you here:

You are under 25 and your parents are legally insured

Direct hit! If the above applies, you are also insured through the so-called family insurance and therefore do not have to pay your own insurance contributions. The health insurance for students is part of your family insurance.

You are over 25, married and your spouse is legally insured

Fine! No posts again! Because you can get family insurance through your partner if they are not a student.

By the way: It is important that in both cases your monthly income (BAföG is not included!) is regularly below EUR 395.

Student (statutory) health insurance for all those for whom family insurance no longer applies

If the above points don't apply to you, for example because you earn more or are older than 25, you can still take out statutory insurance yourself at a relatively low cost. However, this only works until you have completed your 14th semester (uiuiui... ) and/or until you are 30 years old. The current contribution is currently EUR 78.50 for childless students and EUR 77.01 for all others. Attention: some insurance companies charge additional premiums! In addition, the services of some providers differ, so that comparing health insurance companies for students can be worthwhile despite the “uniform tariff”.

Finished with your studies and ready to start working life?

If you start your job straight after your studies, your health insurance for students will of course change. You now become an employee subject to compulsory insurance. Statutory health insurance will then most likely be an option for most people, because private health insurance is only an option for career starters if they were already privately insured as a student and also have a gross monthly income of at least EUR 4,462.50 …

Speaking of private health insurance…

This is a whole separate topic and it makes sense to do a little research into it. So much in advance: It is also possible to join the private KV as a student. To do this, however, you must be exempt from compulsory insurance within the first three months of your enrollment. But watch out! This exemption applies to the entire course of study and it is difficult to re-enter the statutory health insurance after completion. Another disadvantage: You usually have to advance all treatment costs, and you should know that too.

May it be a little bit more?

Supplementary insurance can make sense in individual cases, as the statutory health insurance companies often shorten the range of benefits in their catalog of benefits. From expensive dentures, to glasses and laser eye treatments, to treatment by a senior doctor - every area can be covered with additional insurance. This is where it is particularly worth comparing the different providers.

And if you are going abroad for a shorter or longer period of time, you should think about travel health insurance to cushion the costs of potentially expensive return transport. The costs depend on the duration of the stay abroad. By the way, allmaxx offers a special student tariff in cooperation with DKV .

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