(Her)Moving in Berlin
(Her)Moving in Berlin
Image source: complize / photocase.com
Berlin is still a magnet for people from all over the world. The daily streams of tourists are joined by more and more students, politicians, ordinary employees and crazy bon vivants. The latter usually compete with students for the last reasonably affordable living space. Because Berlin is no longer as free and cheap as it was in the 90s.
Where do I find what?
There are various portals when looking for a suitable shared apartment. The common websites that offer direct advertisements for shared rooms can actually be overrun. What many people don't know is that the big providers now also have their own pages with a wide selection of shared rooms. The Immowelt portal is also the right place for you if you're fed up with it and finally want to move into your own apartment.
Rooms vacant?
A shared room is a good idea for a new start in Berlin. You'll quickly make friends, the others can show you the city and introduce you to the Berlin way of life. There's just one catch: finding a room in a shared apartment is no longer as easy as it was a few years ago. The selection is large, but so is the rush. Castings in shared apartments are no longer a rarity. The “regular cast” of a shared apartment looks at the candidates and sometimes cross-examines them: How do you imagine living together? Can you cook? Do you go out a lot? Are you bringing friends? How important are order and cleanliness to you?
If you are looking for a room in Berlin, you should prepare like you would for an exam. Because demands have also increased. Chaos shared apartments are almost extinct or can only be found in novels by Sven Regener.
Then I'd rather have my own four walls!
That's easier said than done. The capital is also a metropolis for singles. It is therefore difficult to find your own student accommodation. Be prepared that there will be a good 20 applicants for a suitable apartment. That's why the perfect appearance is important. Ideally, you'll earn enough money on the side or say something about your positive financial situation within earshot of the agent or landlord. Otherwise, the rules of a job interview apply: arrive on time at the viewing appointment, always have complete application documents ready, pleasant demeanor, neat outfit. And react quickly to interesting offers, the early bird gets the apartment!
Found something?
Congratulations! If you've survived the move well, it's important to get off to a good start in your new shared apartment or house. A meal together is well received by roommates and the following applies in the household: Just ring the neighbor's doorbell, briefly introduce yourself and leave a piece of cake or a glass of champagne?
It is becoming increasingly difficult to find a shared room or an apartment in the capital of Germany. Read our tips on how to quickly find a jute roof over your head in Berlin!