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“Wetlands” by Charlotte Roche

“Wetlands” by Charlotte Roche

Yes yes, we know… But have you ever read a review from a student? Michél from allmaxx gives his opinion on “wetlands” here:

General short description

18-year-old Helen is in the hospital. A special kind of accident is responsible for their temporary stay. During intimate shaving and due to her cauliflower-like hemorrhoids, our protagonist suffers an anal fissure. A small, painful tear that needs to be removed along with the overgrown small vegetables on her anus.

But what do you do in a hospital all day? There is plenty of time to reflect on the events of his life and to let his imagination run wild. And Helen takes full advantage of that. In addition to her first attempts with drugs, the focus is primarily on the topic of body (care) and sexuality. Hygiene is something that is very important to her, because which man isn't attracted to a good dose of feminine naturalness? In order to experience an intensive impression of her own physicality, Helen misses every opportunity to analyze her body openings.

But emotionally she suffers above all from her parents' divorce. She wants nothing more than for both of them to come to the clinic together to visit her. And then of course there is the nurse Robin, who not only helps her photograph her anal fissure, but also ultimately offers her shelter after she decides not to return to her parents.

Our opinion

In addition to many, intensive descriptions of body openings, shaving and sexual practices, the book offers an extravagant insight into the female fantasy. Even if some passages cause astonishment and do not seem particularly appetizing, the book is a quick read, is extremely entertaining and invites you to think a little bit about its physicality.

Rating: valuable with an extra portion of proctology

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