The latest trend apps for student life
The latest trend apps for student life

Now it's app! We have put together the latest apps for all students who like to make their everyday lives easier digitally:
1. Never be late again! With the Sleep If U Can app you really have something to do in the morning. Simply enter several places you want to photograph before you go to sleep and it's clear how your day begins. The alarm doesn't stop until you actually take a photo of the sink, the shower, the fridge... You are guaranteed to be awake then.
2. Through the winter without bacon. Summer is over, the season of sweets is just around the corner. So that the hip gold doesn't get too big, it's worth loosening it . The app counts the calories you consume every day and shows you, based on your personal goals, whether you should eat the cake with or without cream - otherwise you might miss dinner.
3. Have you decided to finally work efficiently in the new semester? With Daytum you can digitize your entire daily routine. The records tell you where you wasted time and when you were particularly effective. This only makes sense if you draw appropriate conclusions. Are you waiting too long for the bus in the morning? Then grab your bike. This will get you fit and clear your head for cramming.
4. Anyone who thinks household books are a thing of the past doesn't know mint yet. The app evaluates your expenses and income, and the brave ones even give it access to accounts and credit card bills - and can see whether income and expenses are in the right relationship.
5. Download these and other apps for free with a gift card of up to €80 for the Apple App Store . Allmaxx members get a 10% student discount and a gift card when purchasing an Apple product! The allmaxx team wishes you lots of fun!
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Hewlett-Packard : When you purchase €699 in the HP student store, you get a printer for a maximum of €2!
Sony VAIO Student Package : up to 25% student discount in the Sony Store Education
allmaxx vouchers : save up to 70% with our voucher portal, e.g. at Zalando !