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The new features of iOS 8

The new features of iOS 8

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It was only a few weeks ago when the iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus and Apple Watch were presented in the keynote - now iOS 8 is launching! allmaxx has taken a closer look at the new operating system.

Which features are new?

Apple promised optimizations in data protection for its iPhones. Do you remember the nude selfie scandal? Kate Upton was terribly outraged that the photos of her naked body were hacked. Ouch... as if she actually thought it was that bad?! At least Apple emphasized the new security features in iOS 8.

But unfortunately there were still a few small flaws. The camera function of Apple's own chat program iMessage automatically sent images to the last chat partner or SMS recipient under iOS 8. Well, true Apple fans quickly forgave this faux pas. Why is iOS 8 worth it?

Audio recording part of the conversation

With Messages in iOS 8 you can record sound - whether you're talking, laughing or singing. Audio recording can become a part of the conversation. You can now send videos within messages in seconds. Group conversations are also possible. This is supposed to dethrone WhatsApp, right?

Time-lapse mode in the camera app

Speaking of sharing and photos and stuff... With a new search tool you always have your favorite photos at your fingertips. The new Photo app makes it easier than ever to edit or share a photo. With the new time-lapse mode in the camera app, photos are captured at dynamically set intervals. Nice!

Taking photos in the dark

Do you want to take photos in the dark? You can now easily edit the exposure of a photo on the shooting display. This feature is useful in complicated lighting conditions. Finally hot pictures from your wild parties!

Intelligent word recognition

iOS 8 is able to read minds. As you type, you can already see words or terms that you probably want to write straight away. The selection is based on previous conversations and your writing style. The style is even adapted to the person you are talking to. So the fecal expressions only appear when you write with your best friends.

Health app

Heart rate, calories burned, blood sugar, cholesterol – the apps record a wide variety of data. With the new Health app you have an overview of your health and fitness data. The digital world becomes the manager of your health. Everything under control... as long as you have juice. Juice? Electricity!

Use Siris hands-free

Do you have your hands full or are you using them for other things? When you hear “Hey, Siri,” the program activates. As if by magic… or magic voice. Now it's really happening!

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