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Brain boost through biohacking?

Brain boost through biohacking?

The brain is on! Swallowing pills for more brain boost may be easy, but somehow uncool. A new phenomenon is spreading in the USA, but it is not entirely risk-free: biohacking. Students experiment in garages and hobby laboratories with electricity that they feed into their gray cells. Using direct current of one to two milliamperes, analytical and mathematical skills in particular can be significantly increased. Subjects solved corresponding tasks much better. What's more, the effect is long-term: the soaring lasted up to six months.

But the electronic drive for the brain also has disadvantages if you are not an expert: things can quickly go wrong. After self-experiments, students repeatedly report physical failures and disorders that indicate incorrect dosage. So far, doctors have primarily used electricity on people with dementia or stroke patients to stimulate brain performance again. But there are already visions of mobile electronic brain boosters. We'll stay tuned and maybe in the future we'll have a good tip on how you can easily master the next statistics exam.

You can read about what else you can do to get your brain going here . The editorial team at allmaxx has already tried out better learning with autogenic training and found it to be good! You can get the audio book for free from Audible !

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