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Career reorientation at the end of your studies – (im)possible?

Career reorientation at the end of your studies – (im)possible?

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At the end of every course of study, it's not just the stressful final exams that await, which require a lot of motivation and concentration. With graduation approaching, soon-to-be graduates also have to think about starting their careers . Woe betide those who only realize at the end that their chosen course of study has nothing in common with their dream job.

People and their tendencies change over time . Anyone who enrolled in a course of study as a high school graduate with a specific career desire may already want something completely different in the middle or at the end of their studies. Many students have this problem; after all, their personality goes through rapid development during their student years.

If you want to reorient yourself, you have to make a decision

In a world where qualifications count and CVs must be complete, where should young university graduates find the courage to break with their previous career goals and try something new? Many people don't dare to take this step at first and at least try to get a foothold in the job they studied and become satisfied .

Satisfaction is the key word. The process of reorientation usually begins when employees notice that they are dissatisfied at work. This should be distinguished from a momentary loss of motivation and a short phase of dissatisfaction. Anyone who notices that they are unhappy and that this condition even shows physical symptoms should start thinking about the causes.

A primary question is whether the satisfaction actually has its source in the job or whether the general living conditions have changed and the dissatisfaction results from this. Then it is important to question the activity . What actually appeals to you about the job? Are there prospects in your current job? If nothing at all can be found here, the course is set for the next consideration. What interests and inclinations do I have ? Have these changed over time? Which of these could I use professionally?

Gain practical experience and apply blindly

For many students, the reorientation phase begins with their first part-time jobs and social commitments. Others gain initial experience in their intended job through internships, but quickly realize that they no longer like their former dream job.

If you don't want to complete your studies for free and think that a completed degree, regardless of subject, should also count, you should take a closer look at the following job descriptions . Lateral entry is also possible in many industries. What counts in such cases is that the applicant has professional experience in the relevant area.

If you are still missing this, you could, for example, make use of contacts you have made from previous internships and part-time jobs. Maybe this will give you a chance for another internship or traineeship. Although you can't make a lot of money here at the beginning, it's a start.

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