Old advertising: What men really want and other life questions
Old advertising: What men really want and other life questions
Ready for a little journey through time? If you follow Dr. When you look at the Oetker commercial from the 1950s, you simply don't know whether to laugh or cry. “The woman has it good because SHE gets to bake!” In keeping with this, we have put together some other funny (and sometimes very frightening) commercials from the past. Do you still have a favorite advertisement from before? Then we would be happy to receive links in the comments!
Do you already know the Frauengold commercials? The stuff actually existed and was often sold to women as a tonic with a mood-enhancing effect . No wonder, with 16.5% alcohol content.
If that's not enough for you: Here's Frauengold commercial part 2:
And such cigarette commercials would be unthinkable today:
Women behind the wheel: “This sign is understood”