
Digitale Flüchtlingshilfe

Digital refugee aid

Refugee hackathon Refugee aid can also be done digitally: This was shown by the Refugee Hackathon in Berlin at the end of October 2015, where programmers, designers and people with...

Digital refugee aid

Refugee hackathon Refugee aid can also be done digitally: This was shown by the Refugee Hackathon in Berlin at the end of October 2015, where programmers, designers and people with...

Besten Apps zum Schreiben

Best apps for writing

Researching, organizing ideas, writing – apps can make your studies easier, can help you write a term paper or design a presentation. We present 10 of these digital companions. #1...

Best apps for writing

Researching, organizing ideas, writing – apps can make your studies easier, can help you write a term paper or design a presentation. We present 10 of these digital companions. #1...

Fragen Personaler Frauen & MINT

Women & STEM

You ask – HR managers answer In the next issue of UNIGLOBALE, which will be published at colleges and universities on February 12, 2016, we will dedicate our career focus...

Women & STEM

You ask – HR managers answer In the next issue of UNIGLOBALE, which will be published at colleges and universities on February 12, 2016, we will dedicate our career focus...

Tipps zum Studienabbruch

Tips on dropping out of college

Follow through? Change? Cancel? Anyone who is unable to cope with their studies will ask themselves these three questions at some point. These offers and initiatives can help you reorient...

Tips on dropping out of college

Follow through? Change? Cancel? Anyone who is unable to cope with their studies will ask themselves these three questions at some point. These offers and initiatives can help you reorient...

Geschenke zum selber machen

Crafting blog

Bloggers give away handmade items If you are looking for suitable Christmas presents these days, our bloggers from Germany, Austria and Switzerland will provide you with creative ideas that rival...

Crafting blog

Bloggers give away handmade items If you are looking for suitable Christmas presents these days, our bloggers from Germany, Austria and Switzerland will provide you with creative ideas that rival...

bookboon Gewinnspiel

bookboon competition

Attention those who are hungry for knowledge: We are giving away 4 bookboon premium memberships is your online address for free study books. Simply select the specialist title you...

bookboon competition

Attention those who are hungry for knowledge: We are giving away 4 bookboon premium memberships is your online address for free study books. Simply select the specialist title you...