Tipps zum Studienabbruch

Tips on dropping out of college

Follow through? Change? Cancel? Anyone who is unable to cope with their studies will ask themselves these three questions at some point. These offers and initiatives can help you reorient yourself.

Follow through

1. Studybees

Whether it's a statistics exam or an honors exam in law - at some point in almost every course of study there will come a situation with the potential for failure. This is exactly where the online platform Studybees comes in and provides university and course-specific tutoring from students for students. You can also find crash courses and revision courses here that optimally prepare you for exams in a wide variety of subjects.

2. sofa tutor

The online learning platform Sofatutor offers thousands of learning videos in which even complex topics are explained easily and understandably. At the same time, there are exercises that check learning progress. Online individual tutoring is available for specific problems.

3. Khan Academy

The non-commercial website Khan Academy provides educational materials and contains over 4,000 educational films in the areas of mathematics, science, history and economics. There is also a YouTube channel.


4. Career Center/Study Advice

Every college and university has them – the student advisory service and/or the career center. It's worth making an appointment because here you can get professional help with the decision-making process, with study problems and with planning your further educational career.

5. StudyCHECK

StudyCHECK - one of the largest study databases in Germany - helps you find your way through the jungle of different study programs. Whether university or technical college: countless study programs are compared and evaluated here based on various criteria. The first-hand information is great, because students themselves report on the quality of lecturers, courses, facilities, campus life, organization, library and cafeteria.

6. Study Interest Test (SIT)

You can use the Study Interest Test (SIT) from the University Rectors' Conference (HRK) to find out which course of study might suit you better. The scientifically based self-test is based on your interests, inclinations and talents.

7. Get a taste of lectures, do an internship

In order for the second attempt to work, you should get a clear picture of your future field of study or career. Does it really correspond to your expectations? Do you really want to work in this field later? To answer these questions, it doesn't hurt to attend a few relevant lectures as a "guest student" or even complete an internship.


8. BMBF portal on the subject of dropping out of studies

The online portal for dropping out of studies - and then? of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) offers numerous offers of help for doubters and dropouts. These include contact points that will help you complete your studies successfully. If you have decided to drop out, you will find suggestions for new career paths here. For example (dual) training in crafts.

9. Practical studies at Eckert schools

A classical course of study is too theoretical? Then the Eckert Schools’ Fast Track internship course could be an alternative. It is aimed at those leaving university in the fields of mathematics, computer science and engineering, natural sciences and technology and leads to two state-recognized degrees within two and a half years (state-certified industrial technologist and further training to become a state-certified technician; degree equivalent to the “Bachelor of Engineering”) . The cooperation with renowned companies ensures plenty of practical relevance.

10 . Job market for college dropouts

At studienabbrecher.com you will find a job board that is specifically aimed at university dropouts. There are currently over 300 vacancies there from companies that are willing to employ dropouts.

11. IHKs help

Regional chambers of industry and commerce (IHKs) actively look after dropouts and show new paths. For example, they help you complete a shortened dual training course in which the knowledge acquired at the university can be put to good use.

12. Employment agencies help

Don't be afraid to go to the office! The university teams in particular can give you good advice in the situation, offer information events specifically for dropouts and provide contacts with business and potential employers.

Three stories of successful college dropouts are hidden here.

Follow through? Change? Cancel? 12 ways to move forward.

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