All information for students about pension insurance
When do you as a student actually have to pay contributions to the statutory pension insurance?
Student employment relationships are generally subject to pension insurance. You are only free of insurance if:
the employment is minor within the meaning of Section 8 SGB IV (monthly earnings of up to 450 euros or a fixed-term contract of two months or 50 working days within a year),
During your studies, an internship (intermediate internship) prescribed in the study or examination regulations is carried out,
a non-required interim internship is carried out free of charge or for a monthly fee of up to 400 euros.
NOTE: Anyone who is/was subject to pension insurance for at least 1 day in a calendar year is entitled to Riester funding . It might be worth taking out such insurance. If you don't have a suitable job a year later, you can make the insurance contribution-free and then have it revived when you work again.
When do you as a student actually have to pay contributions to the statutory pension insurance?