Fotocredits: Marta Pereira

Puppies instead of coke: reducing stress with “puppy rooms” in universities

The bachelor's thesis is coming up, a never-ending number of exams still have to be passed successfully & the daily lecture marathon isn't slowing down either! This is pure stress! Because even if students are said to have a nice and lazy life, the daily to-do list should not be underestimated. If you lie in the park in the spring sun from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. instead of taking care of the long-overdue housework, the mental strain only increases. Conclusion: Stressed students as far as the eye can see.

Everyone knows the well-known remedies for reducing stress: sport, alcohol, drugs or masturbation. Some people exercise in the evening by doing sports and others look forward to the popping of the wine cork after dinner at lunch in the cafeteria. Researchers also found that the queue in front of the university toilets is particularly long before important exams because everyone wants to quickly lend a hand to increase concentration. These are the classics!

“Puppy Rooms” for relaxation & to clear your head

According to a Japanese study, the power of concentration and relaxation lies in "Kawaii", which means sweet (or sweet). Tests have (allegedly) shown that students who, for example, looked at pictures of baby animals for half an hour before exams performed significantly better. Some British universities have now taken this trend to the extreme with puppy rooms where students can take time out with small puppies. Why not? Chill story:

So-called “kitten therapies” are also becoming increasingly popular among stressed people. Baby kittens have become an integral part of life since social media and YouTube, and now they are also becoming a cure for stress:

Photo credits top image: Marta Pereira


Do you want even more relaxation? Then maybe unwind with a free audio book from Audible ?

Warning: This article contains traces of kittens, puppies and other cute things.

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