Nachhaltig Leben: Die besten Hörbücher von Audible

Living sustainably: The best audio books from Audible on the topics of sustainability and environmental awareness

After we looked at simple tips and products for a more sustainable household and everyday life and the influence of our purchases and our diet on our environment in the first two articles in our “Sustainable Living” series, today we are presenting some Audible audio books that are: also deal with all the various topics related to sustainability and environmental awareness.

“Living plastic-free” by Plastik Held

The audio book “Plastic-free living” brings together practical tips and incentives for plastic alternatives and presents them in a perfect and captivating way. Questions such as “what influence plastic has on people and nature”, “how you can make your everyday life plastic-free” or “what zero waste looks like in reality” create easy-to-implement incentives with which the listener* can reduce his/her ecological footprint and make his/her life healthier and more sustainable.

“The Uninhabitable Earth” by David Wallace-Wells

The audio book “The Uninhabitable Earth” is the perfect audio book to take a closer look at global warming. With his book, author David Wallace-Wells illustrates the dramatic consequences that climate change has already had on us and our environment, but also what consequences will arise for future generations. He manages to package the results and facts of the cited scientific studies in such a way that they no longer appear dry, but rather create a clear and approachable picture.

“One percent is enough: Fighting social inequality, unemployment and climate change with little growth” by Jorgen Randers and Graeme Maxton

Want something more economically and politically pleasing? Then the audio book “One Percent is Enough” is perfect for you! In their audio book, Jörgen Rangers and Graeme Maxton show which problems the economy and politics have not solved in the past. In doing so, they sometimes give somewhat radical-seeming, but sometimes also clearly comprehensible suggestions and approaches as to how it could still work in the future, for example to achieve climate goals or a more social society.

“No ifs, no waste” by Milena Glimbovski

In the audio book "Without If and Waste", the founder of the Berlin unpackaged shop "Original Unverpackt" shares her insights into how to live more sustainably. She packages them in a beautiful way with her personal experiences about the effects of the more sustainable life has also taken on themselves, their environment and their fellow human beings.

“A Zero Waste Life” by Anita Vandyke

Do you want to live more sustainably but don't know where to start? In the audio book "A Zero Waste Life", author Anita Vandyke presents a practical 30-day guide with which you can avoid a lot of plastic - for example when shopping, eating or even traveling. She gives valuable tips and tricks on how you can do without all the plastic without losing your own lifestyle.

However, her (audio) book is currently only available in English.

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