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Here's how it works
The best way to get access to the countless attractive offers from strong brands is to simply sign up for the newsletter - this way you will be reliably kept up to date on all current promotions every two weeks. This way you can also access information that is not contained on the website. amexio also regularly announces its new voucher promotions on Twitter.
This is what awaits you!
The range of brands represented is impressive, the sectors represented range from cars, banks, insurance, furniture, health, living, sports, leisure, watches, travel and so on. In addition to the big names from all areas such as Telekom, Tchibo, REWE, Nivea and, there are also partners from specialist areas such as Chip and McAffee. The range of activities is extremely diverse. For example, you can currently get two Kindle readers at a special price .
Become the tipping king
With the brand new app, which is available free of charge in the Google Play app store and the Windows Phone Store, you can also gild your football knowledge. The World Cup betting game is currently running in collaboration with the Tobit brand, with a total of 11,111 cash prizes up for grabs. If you leave everyone else behind you, you can even look forward to an incredible 20,000 euros. That's definitely enough for a big World Cup party...
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