Apple Produkte

Apple Junkie: My life is controlled by iPhone, Mac & Co

Apple Junkie: My life is controlled by iPhone, Mac & Co

On a scale of one to ten – where am I as an Appel fangirl? Let's put it this way: If Apple eventually invents the iToilet, I will be one of the first to have the designer part installed in the bathroom. In the morning my Apple iPhone wakes me up with an annoying alarm clock (honestly, who chooses these melodies?!), then it goes to my Apple MacBook to check emails, the Apple iPad comes with me to the university to diligently write down what it is motivated lecturer tries to convey. Or surfing Facebook, depending on your mood. The fact is: Apple basically controls my life.

Apple phenomenon: These products just have it!

What makes me a little relieved is that I'm not alone in my Apple addiction. There are even surveys that show that some people (I don't want to exclude myself) will simply buy anything as long as the good old Apple logo is somewhere on the product. Why it is like that? Well, the products have rarely let me down so far, I can always rely on my Apple iPhone, Apple MacBook & Co.

My everyday life with Apple

My Apple products accompany me through my everyday life from morning to night. A typical university week looks something like this...

Good morning dear worries!

As already mentioned - in the morning my, no: in the morning my (plural!) alarm clocks ring, which I have set on my Apple iPhone with great motivation. So every morning I have a good hour to struggle through various phases of deep sleep, only to fall out of bed – five ringtones and nervous breakdowns and “woah, now?!” later – absolutely exhausted. Well, my iPhone can't do anything about it.

And off to university, be diligent

Apple MacBook and iPad are both allowed - they don't weigh anything, and somehow I have to provide entertainment during the boring lecture. Practical: If Netflix is ​​installed on the Apple iPad, you can relax and watch a few episodes of How I Met Your Mother while taking notes on the lecture on your MacBook. It also works great the other way around, i.e. swap the roles of MacBook and iPad!

And returned home depressed

Lectures all over, watched HIMYM Season X, but unfortunately no feeling of satisfaction - what to do? If nothing really stuck, I try to use my MacBook to briefly summarize what was said and end the day with the good feeling that I have at least done something for the university. At least as far as university is concerned - there's still enough time for a few more episodes on the Apple iPad or MacBook...

Buy Apple products cheaply

The only drawback to my Apple addiction: the price. As we know, you don't get anything for free at Apple - but you can still save a lot as a student if you know how to do it. I use the Apple Education Store and get up to 10% Apple student discount on the Apple iPhone, MacBook, tablet & Co. without having to go without my beloved Apple products. Their quality and design simply impress me every time - something I definitely don't want to miss out on.

Apple rules the world - at least mine. Yours too? I'll tell you what my everyday Apple life looks like and how I save when buying the products.

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