Die beste Zeit zum Lernen

How do I find the best time to study?

The brain is not equally productive at all times of the day. In general, it's not productive for a whole day in a row. There are better and worse times for studying throughout the day. The productive times of the day are usually much better for understanding the theories of relativity in all their facets than motivational lows in which the body screams for coffee or sleep . The only problem is finding out at what times the brain is productive and therefore ready to learn and at what times it is not. Because unfortunately it's the same with the best times for learning as with the best ways to learn: it's a type thing! Here are a few tips on how to best organize your study time and how to use it most effectively!

After 90 minutes of concentration it's over

Lectures and seminars at university are 90 minutes long for a reason. Because our brain cannot concentrate for more than 90 minutes at a time. Afterwards you need a break, a coffee, some fresh air, a funny cat video or some sleep . Therefore, give yourself regular breaks. You don't have to start smoking because of this, just look out the window, call mom, clean the bathroom and do anything else that doesn't require you to concentrate. Only through these small periods of rest will your brain continue to function throughout the day.

Know concentration phases

Phases of concentration proceed in waves. A high is usually followed by a low. There is always a high that is the highest and a low that is the lowest. It is important that you know when your high and when your low phases are. Plan your learning day accordingly . Are you more of a morning person or an early riser? If you manage to get up early in the morning and sit at your desk, then put the hardest part there. As soon as you have finished this and the rest of your shared apartment wakes up, or the library slowly fills up, you have already done the hardest part of the day. If you generally find it difficult to get out of bed in the morning, set yourself a few warm-up tasks in the morning: sort what needs to be sorted, go through what you learned from the lecture, etc. This will allow you to quickly add a few items to your to-do despite your lows -Check off list, which always feels good.

Pay attention to the diet

Some foods make you heavy, not just literally but also figuratively. If you start the day with a good English breakfast or eat the family pizza for lunch, you will most likely need a digestive sleep afterwards. More precisely, you are stealing energy from your brain because your body is fully occupied with digestion. Of course, the solution isn't to avoid eating completely, because then you'll be hungry and your body and brain won't have the energy to get going. Here too it is important to find the golden mean. Eat healthy, eat lots of fruit and vegetables and treat yourself to a little sugar boost every now and then, this will help you concentrate.

Free your Mind

When we sleep we process the events of the day. That's why it's essential for successful learning that you give your body and therefore your brain enough sleep. Because this is the only way what you have learned can really be firmly established. It is just as important to clear your head even when you are awake, to work out with sports, to devote yourself to social life and thereby recharge your batteries.

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