PRO - Trainee
There are solid reasons for the increasing popularity of the “trainee” professional profile. This first job after graduation is not suitable for everyone, but clear criteria support the decision-making process. A traineeship is the perfect career entry program for people who are career-oriented and at the same time need a stable framework for good performance - an environment in which clear rules and high standards apply. Anyone who aspires to a prestigious career, wants to quickly apply their knowledge in practice, gets to know a company from the ground up and receives comprehensive guidance on their way to leadership positions, without shying away from working in non-favorite activities - can become a trainee in a promising position Start a career in which comparatively good pay awaits you when you start your career. Trainees should think entrepreneurially, enjoy performance and neither be afraid of being led nor afraid of taking on leadership responsibility themselves. If everything fits, then you have found the right people!
Veronika Latzel - Managing Director and career consultant at Struss and Partner Career Strategies Hamburg.
CONS - Trainee
Trainee programs are on everyone's lips and are presented by some HR managers as the ultimate way to start a career. Of course, trainee programs are useful and useful for applicants who are directly aiming for a management position. But if you don't want to stay with your first employer for years or don't have your career planning in place yet, this is ill-advised. Since there are high expectations placed on trainees - after all, they are being trained to become managers - a normal career entry may be the better choice. This is especially true if graduates have not yet made a commitment and want to give themselves freedom for their individual (professional) development. In this case, a slow career development with different stages is the right approach.
Christian Müller - author, coach and qualified social worker