Of course, Bachelor candidates in particular don't have it easy when they have to cover an immense amount of material in a very short space of time. Since student life doesn't just consist of cramming, but also of university parties and dates, some students take the more comfortable route and prefer to invest time in elaborate diversions. Some supposed friends like to expose their fellow students. So they think they can get their competition out of the way while they're still studying.
Elbow society – some students fear the pressure so much that they hide books in the libraries from their fellow students or even pocket them. They also want to save money. Amazon has offers for (almost) every book with used copies that are super cheap!
Affairs with professors and lecturers are not only a popular topic in novels. Dependencies that arise from this and consequences after a love break-up are inevitable. The abandoned professor could let the pretty student fail her bachelor's thesis. She was much more into Micha from the rhetoric seminar and now she has to spend the entire course of her studies going through the affair with Prof. Dr. Tormenting lusty newt. Well, when your hormones get you so pumped that consequences seem far too far away, even pointing the finger doesn't help There are interesting audio contributions from Deutschlandradio Wissen about this and other “dangers” in everyday student life. And what skeletons do you have in the basement of your student shared apartment?