
Look into my glasses, baby!

Source: bit.ly/HGB3VO

Very few people have probably seen it, but almost all of us have read or heard about it: Google glasses. It's officially called Google Glass, and it's an impressive piece of technology.
But many people are quite skeptical about the minicomputer, which projects information onto a small “glass lens” in front of your right eye.
Google Glass has a camera, a touchpad, the aforementioned glass prism for displaying information and of course a computing unit with WLAN, Bluetooth and other connection options. All recorded data is transferred directly to Google servers. While this is a convenient way to display information while leaving both hands free for something else, it's also worth looking at the other side of the coin.

Imagine you are somewhere and someone comes in wearing Google glasses like this. From the outside you can't see whether it's on or off, so you don't know if you're being filmed or maybe your face is being scanned. You will most likely change your behavior, perhaps even unconsciously, because someone is essentially looking over your shoulder. You'll probably also be much more cautious when it comes to discussing sensitive topics, even more so than usual when there are third parties involved, because you don't know how sensitive the glasses' recording devices are. In this respect, such technology always represents an infringement on freedom that one can virtually not defend against.

What is also interesting in view of Google's cooperation with the NSA (which, to be fair, Google could not escape from) is the extent to which data collected with Google Glass is used for secret service purposes. It should now be considered certain that such snorkeling will happen. Databases with facial data are now even being planned, with which the glasses will automatically recognize the scanned faces in the environment. Not only are extensive profiles of the carriers created, but people are also involved who may not want this under any circumstances.

Russia and Ukraine have already banned the wearing of glasses because Google Glass is considered spy technology there. Even if that may sound exaggerated, it cannot be completely dismissed.

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