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Doctorate in the Humanities

A doctoral thesis is a tedious undertaking: you devote yourself intensively to a topic over several years and must always remain focused and disciplined. For example, while medical students can complete their dissertation in just a few weeks, some courses take up to three, four or five years. For example, I'm doing my doctorate in the humanities - exactly, the field where people always say: "And what do you do with it?" That's often my answer. A doctorate is the ideal path for me because it allows me to delve even deeper into the subject area that interests me. It also makes me a specialist and gives me better opportunities to get started.

Humanities scholars are often unemployed? Are you kidding me? Are you serious when you say that

Some believe that a degree in the humanities will lead to nothing - let alone a doctorate in this field. On the contrary, this would actually have a negative effect on employers, which is why many doctoral graduates would be unemployed. However, the fact is that around 95% of all doctoral holders have a job.

It is also generally known that people with doctorates earn more, even humanities scholars, who are paid below average compared to other disciplines. However, a doctorate is a bit more, especially the longer you practice the job.

Doctoral thesis in the humanities – how does it work?

The conditions for a doctorate vary from university to university, so I can only speak from personal experience. In itself, this is a doctoral program, like a bachelor's or master's degree, only with one big difference: you don't have to attend seminars, lectures, etc. visit, but rather research your topic alone - unless you are in a graduate school or are writing a collaborative paper.

However, as with a bachelor's or master's degree, you have to find a supervisor who will take care of your thesis. This doctoral supervisor will support you throughout your many years of research and will ultimately examine you. In order for him to agree to the supervision, you have to convince him in advance with your research topic. It's enough if you know roughly how you want to proceed; Your doctoral supervisor will help you with the fine-tuning.

I can’t write a dissertation – or can I?

With the exception of your doctoral supervisor and fellow students or other doctoral students, you are on your own. But don't worry - if you're planning on doing your doctorate, you've already written a bachelor's and master's thesis and know how things work. Writing a dissertation is no different. You have to pay attention to the same aspects: common thread, maintaining structure, avoiding repetitions, arguing coherently. Just as with bachelor's and master's theses, it is important that you have your finished dissertation proofread, for example by a professional dissertation proofreading provider.

This is followed by an oral exam, and you also have to have your finished, corrected and passed work printed - at least that's how it is in the humanities - otherwise there will be no title.

So you see, a doctorate is not easy to get. But with ambition, discipline and a desire for research, you will achieve your goal and will soon be able to call yourself Mr. or Mrs. Doctor - and that will always be worth it, no matter in what form, be it money, prestige or a job offer.

Would you like to get a doctorate in the humanities and find out more about the process? We will help you.

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