In an increasingly complex world, the necessary overview is often missing. The art of the journalist is to get to the heart of news of general interest, major issues in society, politics, science, economics and religion, and to arouse and satisfy the interest of the reader or listener. Well-trained journalists are more in demand than ever to provide an in-depth, well-researched insight into current events, historical processes, new trends, topics and opinions. They always have their finger on the pulse of the times and deliver high-quality articles, whether print, online or for television, that illuminate current events, developments in politics, business and science and communicate them to the general public in a compressed form. An exciting job with potential. Journalists have to deal with people and must never lose sight of the big picture and the background.
Journalism studies today: diverse application possibilities
Originally, a journalist was someone who wrote for daily newspapers. The word comes from the French term 'journal' for daily. Today, however, studying journalism encompasses a much broader professional field and a variety of skills are required. The general public is increasingly no longer getting information from daily newspapers and magazines alone, but online journalism and the specialization in video journalism are increasing. As a result, a completed journalism degree opens up a far greater choice of careers and exciting opportunities for the implementation of news and background information than was available to the classic journalist.
Content and focus of a journalism degree
The journalism degree program has set itself the task of training committed young journalists who can work creatively, professionally and responsibly in all media areas. Basically, it's not so much about acquiring something, but rather, those who decide to study journalism usually already have talents and skills that need to be unlocked and promoted. In addition, a journalism degree provides you with the necessary skills for your future career. What forms of journalistic representation are there, what is media ethics and how does research work?
After the basics of the journalism course, specialization follows . Depending on whether you like to present, moderate, process and implement news quickly, or want to specialize in video journalism, practical media skills are taught. This includes voice training, training on the microphone and camera, as well as programming techniques in the online area. Of course, the way we work, the selection and implementation of articles in an editorial team are also part of practical training as a journalist. And last but not least, the characteristics of a good journalist include personality and the ability to perceive developments and go into depth. The “Diverse Media Conference” 2017 in Hamburg showed that there is a need for more “innovation” and “diversity” in the journalistic field
Studying journalism is still very popular. We'll tell you everything about the content and subsequent career profile of this course of study.