
Blogger of the Month – October 2013

Two girls from the pot and fashion

The Ruhr area is not exactly known as a fashion mecca. When you think of fashion, you tend to think of Berlin, Munich, and maybe even Düsseldorf. But definitely not food. Our two bloggers of the month for October don't really care. For the two students Laura and Patrizia, their fashion blog Laukizia is a welcome change from their studies.

The two met when they were at school. Now they are studying. When choosing the topic of your blog, you could assume that you have chosen to study fashion design or something similar. But the assumption is quite wrong, because the two Essen women have ambitious goals and something on their minds. Laura is studying civil engineering in Essen and Patrizia is studying architecture in Dortmund and is doing so quite successfully; both are already in the transition between a bachelor's and master's degree. They founded their blog Laukizia in July 2012 as a balance to their academic studies, out of curiosity and of course out of love for fashion. They had previously enjoyed reading blogs themselves and then decided, together with their friend Kira, to try blogging. If you know that the friends Laura , Ki ra and Patrizia were behind Laukizia at the beginning, the name of the blog is self-explanatory. At some point, Kira no longer had the time she needed to blog alongside her dual studies, so Laura and Patrizia are now continuing as a couple.

On average, they publish two to three blog posts per week. It takes the two of them about 1 1/2 hours just to edit the photos, write a short text and put everything online. They cannot estimate how much time they spend taking the photos and putting the outfits together. They simply always have their SLR cameras with them so that they can take new outfit photos at any time and they get dressed every morning anyway. They can usually be seen in the pictures themselves. And even if you take a quick look at their blog, you'll notice that they're dressed very unusually and stylishly for their fashionably down-to-earth food. The message they want to get across is that being well dressed doesn't have to be expensive. Because they describe themselves as bargain hunters. As long as the material and design of the items are right, there doesn't necessarily have to be a large and expensive fashion label behind them.

The fact that people sometimes look at them askance when taking photos in the inner cities of the Ruhr area has long since ceased to interest them. Because even if they don't want to provoke people with their appearance, every now and then stupid comments come from passers-by, which they now skillfully ignore.

In addition to fashion, traveling is a passion for both of them. Unfortunately, as they themselves say, they don't get enough of it alongside their studies and for financial reasons. Last year they were together in the fashion metropolis of New York and were finally able to combine their interests, blogging, fashion and travel. Because the whole city was a breathtaking backdrop for your photos. Next year the two friends will be spending a semester abroad in Bali together and are already looking forward to the summer fashion and lifestyle there.

For Laura and Patrizia, blogging is all about having fun. Although they enjoy studying and could imagine working as an engineer and architect in the future, if they had the chance to blog professionally about fashion, they would do so at any time.

You would also like to become blogger of the month or know someone who should be. Then simply write a short message to rademacher@uniglobale.de

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Two girls from the pot and fashion The Ruhr area is not exactly known as a fashion mecca. When you think of fashion, you tend to think of Berlin, Munich, and maybe even Düsseldorf. But definitely not food. Our two bloggers of the month for October don't really care. It's for the two students Laura and Patrizia

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