Fakten zur Prüfungsangst

10 interesting facts about exam anxiety

Let's be honest, we all know that terrible feeling in the stomach, the hands shaking uncontrollably and the situation when the brain just doesn't want to function anymore.

What you were about to say is gone and instead you just stutter stupid things. Damn, exam anxiety has struck. Everyone knows her, no one likes her, she's been talked about a lot, but only we have really interesting information about her!

Did you actually know…?

If you are nervous before exams and have a sinking feeling in your stomach, you don't have to go straight to Dr. Write summer team.

1. A little bit of stage fright is normal. More than one in two pupils, students and professionals are easily nervous before exam situations.

2. In stressful situations, the body releases increased hormones such as adrenaline or cortisol, which are supposed to make you more alert and more focused. So your body tries to give you a little kick in the butt before the exam so that you don't fall asleep over the exam questions.

3. However, it is worrying if your stomach turns before exams without you accidentally tasting last week's moldy bread again. If exams bother you so much, you should see a doctor or an advice center at your university.

4. There isn't much that slackers and nerds have in common, but test anxiety is something that connects these two opposites. Some people stress out for good reason, others may exaggerate a bit. wink

5. To overcome test anxiety, you basically only have to do two things: study properly and realize that you can do it. Tell yourself: Obama can do it, I can do it too!!

6. Other tips against exam anxiety include:

  • Learn structured!
  • Do sports to balance mental and physical stress.
  • Surround yourself with positive vibes. So take something with you into the exam that will cheer you up and make you feel strong like a lion.

7. Have you heard? Women and aspiring lawyers are particularly afraid of exams. At least they admit it more often than others.

8. Attention fans of role-playing games! Simply put yourself in the role of the lecturer and read your answer to the exam question again. If you imagine the answer is not yours, it will be easier for you to see and correct mistakes. Lecturers don't have any fear of exams anyway, because they're already smart!

9. By the way, since 1982, the Federal Ministry of Education and Research has been conducting a nationwide study of young academics on the subject of exam anxiety, among other things. Exam anxiety is not limited to exams at university, but can occur whenever you have to present yourself or prove yourself.

10. So when you start sweating on your next date, you know it could be the right person because your body is telling you to make a real effort now. cheeky

Give yourself the full 10!

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