Finanzen im Griff: Aber unnötige Ausgaben sind auch mal okay!

Finances under control: But unnecessary expenses are okay!

Money is an important topic for many people - especially among students. It runs out quicker than the month is over and everyone tries to manage the cash as best they can. But what does that mean in practice?

Can money really only ever be spent wisely? Or is it okay to relax in the evenings? JackpotPirates online casino a few euros to spend? Definitely yes, because pointless spending is often not as pointless as it seems. It's just a matter of adapting them to the budget.

The budget book really exposes pointless spending

It sounds like grandma's savings tips and yet it is an important institution in financial management. The We're talking about a budget book ! The practical everyday helper helps to expose unnecessary expenses. And this is not about the 15 euros for the cinema or the 20 euros that were deposited in the online casino.

It's the sandwich for 5 euros or the cup of coffee that was taken from the bakery out of laziness. If you still have too much money left at the end of the month, you can use a budget book to easily analyze why!

Divide your money – every month

Around 40% of the money goes towards rent. Around the Finance But to regulate it, we need more overview. It is important to create a list of income and expenses. Only after all the fixed costs (rent, insurance, contracts) have been deducted is the “living allowance” left. If this has also been subtracted from the total, there is still a remainder available. Part of it can go into the piggy bank and what is left is used for leisure purposes!

Why unnecessary expenses aren't so unnecessary after all

With friends Casino nearby search and just gamble away 20 euros? For some people this is pure sacrilege and a waste of money and at first glance it seems that way. After all, the house always wins and the bet is usually lost. Now this spending of money needs to be looked at from a different perspective.

A casino evening with friends offers emotional added value. It's about fun get-togethers, a challenge of luck and exciting thrills. The end result is the loss of the stake (in many cases). But there is also a chance of making a small profit. But regardless of this, the benefit can be found in working together with your friends.

Those who celebrate a party often spend more than they would on an evening at the casino. So much money is spent on alcohol and the like that the budget quickly melts like ice cream in the sun. The added value? Emotionally high, but the chance of cashback is lost from the start. A party night often ends with a hangover the next morning. In the worst case scenario, the casino evening ends with a loss of stake, but in the best case scenario, it even ends with a profit.

Important basic rule: only spend what you can afford!

Whether in the online casino, at the study party or in the restaurant with the latest crush - you can only spend money on your leisure time that is really within your budget. Loans are a very popular trend to finance expenses.

This is not a good idea for young people and especially not for their leisure time. Anyone who buys a car with a loan has added value. Anyone who takes out a loan to finance the freshman party has simply incurred debt.

The clear motto applies to leisure activities: only spend what the budget allows. And if it's just for a month Noodles with ketchup is enough, the party is simply skipped. Instead, the time can be used for better budget planning.

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