6 Tipps, um während des Studiums Geld zu verdienen

6 tips to make money while studying

The number of ways to earn money while studying is almost endless. Whether babysitting, giving tutoring, waiting tables or other job offers. There are job offers for students everywhere. But time is often limited and what little free time you have should be spent wisely.

Therefore, earning money should correspond to your own interests so that it does not create more stress. One option that provides entertainment and, with a bit of luck, nice winnings is a visit to the casino. Thanks to technological advances, it is no longer even necessary to leave the house to test your luck. On the Internet you can Find casinos that can be visited via smartphone.

Since the timetable is often very full, the opportunity to earn money must be very flexible. For this reason, jobs for students are presented that can be carried out at any time.

Sell ​​things you no longer need

For example, while spring cleaning or clearing out the basement, you notice that there are a lot of useless things lying around. These can be monetized on the Internet. Smaller items that can be shipped can be made available on auction platforms. Bulky items are offered via classified ads. These must be picked up by interested parties as shipping would not be worthwhile.

Combine your hobby with making money

If you enjoy crafting, crocheting, knitting or doing other handicrafts, you can offer your self-made clothing items or accessories such as handbags on platforms on the Internet, for example. However, it should be noted that a trade license is required for this purpose. In addition, other criteria such as the allowance for students etc. must be taken into account. Therefore, information about it should be obtained before starting.

Test products

Product testers are sought on several portals such as “Testerheld”. After an account has been created there, a product test can be selected. Either the goods are then sent or they have to be tested via the internet. Product testers can try out games or casinos online, for example. The earnings from this vary depending on the platform and the scope of the tests. Therefore, several platforms should first be examined more closely.

Take advantage of gambling opportunities

Admittedly, gambling is only for risk-taking students. However, if you spend some time with sports betting or refine strategies in poker, you have a high chance of winning. Also students who like to get involved Shares deal with, can make profits.

Otherwise, virtual slot machines can be tried out, which can be used with small stakes. Some online casinos offer lucrative bonuses, which means that gambling provides entertainment and multiple chances of winning even on a small budget.

Participate in surveys

Some portals on the Internet offer money for taking surveys . After registration, surveys are usually sent by email. Beforehand, data such as interests should be specified in as much detail as possible so that a survey can be processed relatively easily and participation is worthwhile. First, different portals should be compared, as the payments vary depending on the provider and ultimately you want to achieve as much profit as possible.


Users can register as authors on portals such as Textbroker. You can then accept copywriting jobs that match your interests. We are looking for simple, short texts as well as high-quality advice articles on a wide range of topics. The earnings vary depending on the quality of the specially written articles.

If you have the time, you have the choice

Classic jobs such as waitressing , tutoring, etc. are usually associated with a higher salary like internet earning opportunities, but there is not always enough time. Anyone who cannot combine their timetable with work as a babysitter, waiter or call center employee will find flexible options on the Internet to earn some money while studying.

The advantage of this is that students can organize their time freely so that they can learn and earn money as they please. This leaves enough time out to meet up with friends or take advantage of other entertainment options.

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