Newcomer Kafka Tamura

Newcomer Kafka Tamura

Kafka Tamura is not just the main character in Haruki Murakamis famous novel „Kafka on the Shore“ but also the name of a German-English newcomer band. Emma (18), Gabriel (27) and Patrick (27) chose the name because the surreal vibe of the book fits their music perfectly. The last three years they worked together and are now finally releasing their début album „Nothing to Everyone“ in August 2015. We met the band beforehand and talk about how they met and how they write songs.

Kafka Tamura is not just the main character in Haruki Murakamis famous novel „Kafka on the Shore“ but also the name of a German-English newcomer band. Emma (18), Gabriel (27) and Patrick (27) chose the name because the surreal vibe of the book fits their music perfectly. The last three years they worked together and are now finally releasing their début album „Nothing to Everyone“ in August 2015. We met the band beforehand and talk about how they met and how they write songs.

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